Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Newsletter


Badger said...

First of all, nice newsletter. No Idea has raised the bar.(of course Mr. President had discarded the bar). At the risk of being fined (although the word risk may be inappropriate because it implies a level of uncertainty), I would like to make a few observations about the picture on page two. The picture shows our bearded member seating area responding to a joke. Since Pabstman is laughing the most he is most likely the joke teller. Cliff and His Clerkness are tickled even though they have heard the joke many times before. Dances figures he better offer a modest smile or risk being fined. Eelpout rolls his eyes and orders another beer. I can't wait for this year's B.W.F.C annual meeting at the Big Fish.

horibul said...

For a club which works so hard to maintain the Beer and BS standard, and whose revered symbols include the Bottom Feeder Board and Sack of Hammers award, this newletter, while appreciated, and long overdue, is an affront to the low standards and below average performance held and exhibited by this club.

Fines are most certainly in order.